Oh Noes, The Boring, Serious Stuff!

Hey there! I’m just an everyday girl who’s passionate about the world of cosmetics. I love writing about makeup, skincare, and all those other fun beauty bits. So, what does this mean for you? It means that everything I review here on ECP 2022 is based on my personal experiences. What I adore, you might not, and vice versa. It’s like beauty – it’s all in the eye of the beholder.

Disclaimer: Use at Your Own Risk

Results may vary when it comes to makeup, skincare, or bath and body products I review. I’m not liable for any issues that arise from trying out a product I review here. If you end up with a rash, a bad hair day, or dry skin, I’m not responsible. Please use all cosmetics with caution and safety in mind. And remember, no eating lipstick just because it smells nice!

Reviews, Opinions, and Advertisements

All reviews and opinions here are my own, based on my experiences. I’m not affiliated with any brands mentioned, nor do they endorse me. I’m not paid for my reviews, aside from being part of an ad network. Blogging is my passion, not my full-time job. Any links you see are just there to help you find more information about a product; they’re not affiliate links, and I don’t earn a commission from them. In the future, if I decide to use affiliate links, I’ll make sure to let you know within the post.

Images Used on This Site

Sometimes I use images found on the web that I believe are in the public domain. I don’t claim ownership of these images. If you’re the owner and want an image removed, please email me, and I’ll take it down ASAP.

Review Products, Purchases, Gifts, and Samples

About 80% of the cosmetics reviewed on ECP 2022 are bought with my own money. The remaining 20% are provided by various companies for review. Just because I get a product for free doesn’t mean I’ll rave about it. All reviews are honest. If I love it, I’ll rave; if I don’t, you’ll hear my rants. Rest assured, you’re getting my true opinion on every product featured.

At the end of each review, I’ll note whether the product was purchased by me or provided as a sample. Transparency is key!

Your Comments, Your Opinions, Your Views

Feel free to use the comment box to share your thoughts on products. Comments are moderated and personally answered by me. If your comment doesn’t appear immediately, sit tight – I’ll get to it as soon as possible. Comments left by readers do not reflect my views.

While most visitors are awesome, occasionally someone might leave a mean-spirited comment. I don’t like deleting comments, but if yours is rude or insulting, it will be removed. My comment box is always open for your views on products or any general discussion. I look forward to chatting with you there!

Errors, Grammar, Spelling, and Mistakes

I’m human and make mistakes – grammatical errors, typos, or spelling hiccups might happen. My blog isn’t a college thesis, so please excuse any errors you come across. I type faster than I think, so these issues may pop up occasionally. Please refrain from filling my inbox or comment box with “helpful” criticisms about these mistakes.

Criticisms, Remarks, and Makeup Artistry

I’m not a professional makeup artist; I just love playing with makeup and sharing my looks. When I post photos, I’m not asking for “helpful” criticism. Be civil and polite – you wouldn’t tell a girl on the street that her blush is too bright, right? Show me the same courtesy. If you hate the way something looks, sometimes silence is the best policy.